Home » Top 20+ Free React Dashboard Templates 2024

Top 20+ Free React Dashboard Templates 2024

react dashboard templates

In the realm of web development, React has emerged as a frontrunner, empowering developers to craft interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Its component-based architecture and declarative programming paradigm have revolutionized the way web applications are built. React dashboard templates, in particular, have gained immense popularity due to their ability to provide a solid foundation for building visually appealing and data-driven dashboards. These templates offer a collection of pre-built components, layouts, and styles, saving developers time and effort while ensuring consistency and maintainability.

What is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook) and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. However, React is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM, so creating React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for state management and routing. Redux and React Router are two popular libraries for these purposes.

Key Features of React Templates

React dashboard templates offer a range of valuable features that streamline the development process and enhance the overall quality of web applications

  • Rapid Prototyping:

    React templates provide a ready-made framework for building dashboards, enabling developers to quickly create prototypes and test their designs without starting from scratch.
  • Reusable Components:

    React templates are built upon a collection of reusable components, facilitating code modularity and consistency across the entire dashboard.
  • Enhanced Productivity:

    By utilizing pre-built components and styles, developers can significantly reduce development time, allowing them to focus on more complex application logic and business-specific features.
  • Responsive Design:

    Many React dashboard templates are designed to be responsive, ensuring that the dashboard adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Customizability:

    React templates offer a high degree of customization, allowing developers to tailor the dashboard to match their specific branding and design requirements.

What are React Templates?

React templates are pre-designed and reusable packages that provide a starting point for building React applications. These templates often include a collection of components, layouts, and styles that are specifically tailored for a particular type of application, such as dashboards, e-commerce platforms, or administrative interfaces.

Advantages of Using React Templates in Web Development

There are numerous advantages of using React templates in web development

  • Accelerated Development:

    React templates provide a solid foundation, enabling developers to quickly create and iterate on their designs without reinventing the wheel.
  • Reduced Codebase Size:

    By utilizing pre-built components, templates can significantly reduce the size of the codebase, making it easier to maintain and manage.
  • Enhanced Consistency:

    Templates ensure consistency in design and layout across the entire application, promoting a cohesive user experience.
  • Improved Code Quality:

    React templates are often developed and maintained by experienced developers, ensuring that they adhere to best practices and coding standards.
  • Reduced Testing Effort:

    By providing a well-structured foundation, templates can minimize the need for extensive testing, saving developers time and effort.

Read More Here: Why And How To Migrate A React Application to Next.js

Top 20+ Free React Dashboard Templates 2024

Explore a curated list of free React dashboard templates in 2024. These templates offer diverse designs, components, and functionalities, empowering developers to build powerful and visually appealing web applications

1. Ant Design Pro

A widely used template with a modular design, rich component library, and support for multiple languages.

Integration in React

// Install Ant Design Pro using npm
npm install ant-design-pro

// Import and use in a React component
import { ProLayout, Menu, ... } from 'ant-design-pro';

// Example use in render method
  <Menu ... />
  {/* Other components */}

Use Cases: Ideal for enterprise applications, administration panels, and projects requiring internationalization.

Benefits: Modular structure, extensive component library, excellent support for various languages.

2. Material-UI Dashboard

Based on Google’s Material Design guidelines, offering a clean look, easy customization, and accessibility features.

Integration in React

// Install Material-UI Dashboard using npm
npm install @mui/material

// Import and use in a React component
import { Grid, Paper, ... } from '@mui/material';

// Example use in render method
<Grid container>
    {/* Content goes here */}

Use Cases: Suitable for applications requiring a sleek design, accessibility, and adherence to Material Design principles.

Benefits: Clean and modern look, responsive layout, accessibility features.

3. Chakra UI Dashboard

Built with Chakra UI, providing high customizability, dark mode, and RTL support.

Integration in React

// Install Chakra UI Dashboard using npm
npm install @chakra-ui/react

// Import and use in a React component
import { Flex, Box, ... } from '@chakra-ui/react';

// Example use in render method
    {/* Components and content */}

Use Cases: Suitable for projects needing highly customizable UI components, dark mode, and right-to-left language support.

Benefits: Flexibility in styling, dark mode support, RTL compatibility.

4. Next.js Dashboard

Leverages Next.js for server-side rendering, enhancing performance and SEO.

Integration in React

// Install Next.js Dashboard using npm
npx create-next-app my-dashboard

// Use Next.js pages for dashboard components and routing
// Components in pages/ directory serve as dashboard pages
// Automatic routing based on file structure

Use Cases: Ideal for projects requiring improved performance, SEO benefits, and complex client-side interactions.

Benefits: Utilizes server-side rendering, improved SEO, seamless client-side navigation.

5. Create React App Dashboard

A basic template with a simple layout and essential components, suitable for beginners.

Integration in React

// Create React App Dashboard using npm
npx create-react-app my-dashboard

// Use components from src/ directory in the React application
// Customize components and layouts as needed

Use Cases: Suitable for beginners, learning React, and starting with a simple dashboard project.

Benefits: Provides a starting point for beginners, easy to understand and modify.

6. React Admin Dashboard

A straightforward template ideal for building basic dashboards and getting started with React.

Integration in React

// Install React Admin Dashboard using npm
npm install react-admin-dashboard

// Import components in a React application for building basic dashboards
// Customize components and styles according to project requirements

Use Cases: Suitable for small-scale dashboard projects, learning React concepts, and prototyping.

Benefits: Offers a starting point for beginners, quick setup for basic dashboard needs.

7. Fusion React Admin Dashboard Template

A modern and stylish template with a professional look and feel.

Integration in React

// Install Fusion React Admin Dashboard using npm
npm install fusion-react-admin-dashboard

// Import components into a React application for building professional dashboards
// Leverage the pre-designed layouts and elements for a polished appearance

Use Cases: Ideal for applications requiring a sophisticated and professional dashboard design.

Benefits: Offers a modern appearance, polished layouts, and a professional UI.

8. Materio React Admin Dashboard Template

A clean and minimalistic template emphasizing simplicity and user-friendliness.

Integration in React

// Install Materio React Admin Dashboard using npm
npm install materio-react-admin-dashboard

// Utilize the lightweight components for a clean and minimalistic dashboard UI
// Customize styles and elements as per project requirements

Use Cases: Suitable for projects preferring a minimalistic design approach and ease of use.

Benefits: Provides a clean and simple interface, user-friendly components.

9. Velzon React Admin Dashboard Template

A powerful and feature-rich template catering to complex dashboard requirements.

Integration in React

// Install Velzon React Admin Dashboard using npm
npm install velzon-react-admin-dashboard

// Integrate components into a React application for managing complex dashboards
// Leverage advanced features for handling extensive dashboard functionalities

Use Cases: Ideal for projects needing extensive features and functionalities in their dashboards.

Benefits: Offers advanced components, powerful features for complex dashboard needs.

10. Metronic React Admin Dashboard Template

A highly customizable template suitable for tailoring dashboards to specific needs.

Integration in React

// Install Metronic React Admin Dashboard using npm
npm install metronic-react-admin-dashboard

// Customize components, styles, and layouts to match specific dashboard requirements
// Utilize the flexibility for tailoring dashboards as needed

Use Cases: Suitable for projects requiring tailored dashboards with customizable elements.

Benefits: Provides high flexibility, extensive customization options for dashboards.

Related: Building a Basic Next.js Application: From Setup to Deployment

11. ArchitectUI

Free and open-source with a modern design and a wide range of features. Includes over 150 components, 200 layouts, and 9 dashboard designs.

Integration in React

// Install ArchitectUI using npm
npm install architect-ui-react

// Import components into a React application for extensive layout and feature options
// Leverage the multitude of pre-designed dashboard designs and elements

Use Cases: Ideal for projects requiring extensive dashboard layout options and a wide variety of components.

Benefits: Offers vast layout choices, a large component library for diverse dashboard designs.

12. Shards React Dashboard Template

Free and open-source with a simple and elegant design. Built with Bootstrap and implemented using create-react-app.

Integration in React

// Install Shards React Dashboard using npm
npm install shards-react

// Leverage the simple yet elegant design for building dashboard layouts
// Customize components and styles as required for specific project needs

Use Cases: Suitable for projects seeking a straightforward design with Bootstrap compatibility.

Benefits: Provides a clean and elegant appearance, compatibility with Bootstrap elements.

13. Mosaic Lite React Dashboard Template

Free with a fresh and modern design. Features fully functional charts built with Chart.js 3, a tiles-based user interface, and desktop and mobile live demos.

Integration in React

// Install Mosaic Lite React Dashboard using npm
npm install mosaic-lite-react

// Utilize the modern design and fully functional charts for data presentation
// Leverage the tiles-based UI for a unique dashboard layout

Use Cases: Ideal for applications requiring dynamic data visualization and a unique UI.

Benefits: Offers modern design elements, fully functional Chart.js charts.

14. Material Admin React Dashboard Template

Free built with the Material-UI framework. Designed for building front-end interfaces for SAAS and IoT dashboards.

Integration in React

// Install Material Admin React Dashboard using npm
npm install material-admin-react

// Utilize Material-UI components for building front-end interfaces
// Customize and integrate components as needed for SAAS and IoT dashboards

Use Cases: Suitable for projects requiring Material-UI design principles in SAAS and IoT dashboards.

Benefits: Offers Material-UI components for a standardized design approach.

15. Creative React Dashboard Template

Free with a modern and stylish design. Designed for creative agencies and features a variety of components for showcasing portfolios, projects, and clients.

Integration in React

// Install Creative React Dashboard using npm
npm install creative-react-dashboard

// Utilize the modern design elements for showcasing agency portfolios and projects
// Leverage the variety of components for a creative agency's dashboard needs

Use Cases: Ideal for creative agencies showcasing portfolios, projects, and client details.

Benefits: Offers a modern and stylish design, tailored for creative presentations.

16. E-Commerce React Dashboard Template

Designed for e-commerce businesses. Features a variety of components for tracking sales, managing inventory, and analyzing customer behavior.

Integration in React

// Install E-Commerce React Dashboard using npm
npm install ecommerce-react-dashboard

// Utilize the components for tracking sales, managing inventory, and analyzing customer behavior
// Customize and integrate components as needed for e-commerce dashboards

Use Cases: Suitable for e-commerce platforms tracking sales, managing inventory, and analyzing customer data.

Benefits: Offers specific components tailored for e-commerce data management.

17. SaaS React Dashboard Template

Designed for SaaS businesses. Features components for tracking user engagement, managing subscriptions, and analyzing user data.

Integration in React

// Install SaaS React Dashboard using npm
npm install saas-react-dashboard

// Utilize components for tracking user engagement, managing subscriptions, and analyzing user data
// Customize and integrate components as needed for SaaS dashboards

Use Cases: Ideal for SaaS platforms tracking user engagement, managing subscriptions, and analyzing user behavior.

Benefits: Offers specialized components for SaaS business analytics.

18. Startup React Dashboard Template

Designed for startups. Features a clean and modern design, easy to customize for showcasing startup details.

Integration in React

// Install Startup React Dashboard using npm
npm install startup-react-dashboard

// Utilize the clean and modern design elements for showcasing startup details
// Customize and integrate components as needed for a startup dashboard

Use Cases: Suitable for startups showcasing their products, services, and company details.

Benefits: Provides a clean and modern design, ideal for startup presentations.

19. AdminPro React Dashboard Template

Free and open-source with a modular design and a wide range of features. Includes over 200 components, 50 layouts, and 5 dashboard designs.

Integration in React

// Install AdminPro React Dashboard using npm
npm install adminpro-react

// Utilize the numerous components and layouts for building versatile dashboards
// Customize and integrate components as needed for specific dashboard designs

Use Cases: Ideal for projects requiring versatile dashboard designs with a wide array of components.

Benefits: Offers extensive options for component selection and layout customization.

20. React Dashboard Template for Creative Agency

Free with a modern and stylish design. Designed for creative agencies and features a variety of components for showcasing portfolios, projects, and clients.

Integration in React

// Install React Dashboard for Creative Agency using npm
npm install react-dashboard-creative-agency

// Utilize the components for showcasing agency portfolios, projects, and client details
// Customize and integrate components as needed for a creative agency dashboard

Use Cases: Ideal for creative agencies showcasing portfolios, projects, and client details.

Benefits: Offers a modern design and specific components tailored for creative presentations.


React dashboard templates have emerged as a valuable tool for web developers, offering a plethora of benefits, including accelerated development, enhanced code quality, and improved consistency. With the abundance of free and premium templates available, developers can find the perfect solution to match their specific project requirements and create visually appealing, data-driven dashboards that effectively convey.

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