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How to Deploy Next.js Sites to Netlify


Deploying a Next.js application to Netlify streamlines the process of hosting and managing dynamic web projects. This guide aims to walk you through the steps required to deploy your Next.js site on Netlify, covering essential aspects from prerequisites to best practices.

Next.js: Powering Dynamic Web Applications

Next.js, built on top of React, stands out for its exceptional features that facilitate the development of robust and performant web applications.

Key Features of Next.js

Netlify: A Cutting-Edge Hosting Platform

Netlify offers a comprehensive suite of features that simplify deployment, continuous integration, and scaling for modern web applications.

Key Features of Netlify

Benefits of Netlify

Related: Making a custom 404 page in Next.js

Prerequisites for Deployment

Before diving into deployment, ensure you have

Configure Next.js for Deployment

Optimize project settings for production

Adjust the Next.js configuration to optimize for production builds.

In your ‘next.config.js‘ file

// next.config.js

module.exports = {
  // Add configuration options for production build here
  // For example, enabling compression for faster asset delivery
  compress: true,

Prepare the application for a production build

Generate a production build of your Next.js application.

Run the following command

npm run build

Set Up Netlify Deployment

Connect your Next.js project to a Git repository

Ensure your Next.js project is version-controlled with Git.

Initialize a Git repository if not already done

git init

Add your files and commit changes

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a new site on Netlify from the linked repository

  1. Log in to Netlify and navigate to the “Sites” tab.
  2. Click “New site from Git”.
  3. Connect to your Git provider (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
  4. Select the repository containing your Next.js project.
  5. Choose the branch to deploy and configure basic build settings.

Configure build settings and environment variables

In your Netlify dashboard

  1. Navigate to your site’s settings.
  2. Go to the “Build & deploy” section.
  3. Set the build command and output directory for your Next.js project.
  4. Configure environment variables as needed for API keys, tokens, etc.

Deploy Your Next.js Application

Trigger manual or automatic deployments:

Manual Deployment:

Push changes to your linked Git repository

git push origin main

Automatic Deployment:

Netlify can be configured to automatically deploy changes whenever a new commit is pushed to the specified branch.

Monitor the deployment process on the Netlify dashboard

  1. Access the Netlify dashboard.
  2. Navigate to your site’s deploy tab.
  3. Monitor the deployment process, view logs, and check the status of your deployments.

Also Read: Choosing the Right Frontend Framework for IoT Applications: Angular vs. React

Best Practices and Tips 


Deploying Next.js sites to Netlify offers a seamless and efficient way to host dynamic web applications. With Next.js providing powerful features for development and Netlify offering a robust platform for deployment, you can ensure a smooth and reliable hosting experience. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to deploy your Next.js projects on Netlify and leverage their combined strengths for an exceptional web hosting experience.

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