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Top React Chart Libraries to Visualize your Data in 2023

chart libraries

Data visualization plays a crucial role in modern web applications. It not only makes data more understandable but also enhances the user experience. When it comes to visualizing data in React applications, there’s a wide array of chart libraries available. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top React chart libraries to help you make informed choices in 2023.

React: The Preferred Framework for Data Visualization

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it’s an ideal choice for data visualization for several reasons

The Importance of Data Visualization

Data visualization is more than just making data look appealing; it’s about conveying meaningful insights. Here are five key advantages of effective data visualization

Related: How to Use React with Redux: Beginner’s Guide

Top React Chart Libraries to Visualize your Data

Let’s dive into some of the top React chart libraries that will empower you to create stunning visualizations in your applications.

1. React Chart.js

Chart.js is a popular charting library. It’s easy to use and offers a variety of chart types, such as bar, line, pie, and more. Below is an example of creating a simple bar chart using React Chart.js

import { Bar } from 'react-chartjs-2';

const data = {
  labels: ['January', 'February', 'March'],
  datasets: [
      label: 'Sales',
      data: [65, 59, 80],

<Bar data={data} />



2. Recharts

Recharts is a composable charting library for React. It offers a wide range of customizable chart components. Here’s how you can create a line chart

import { LineChart, Line, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, Legend } from 'recharts';

const data = [
  { name: 'Jan', uv: 4000, pv: 2400, amt: 2400 },
  { name: 'Feb', uv: 3000, pv: 1398, amt: 2210 },
  // ...

<LineChart width={400} height={200} data={data}>
  <XAxis dataKey="name" />
  <YAxis />
  <Tooltip />
  <Line type="monotone" dataKey="uv" stroke="#8884d8" />



3. Victory

Victory is a set of modular charting components for React. It offers a wide range of chart types and the flexibility to customize them. Here’s an example of a pie chart

import { VictoryPie } from 'victory';

const data = [
  { x: 'Apples', y: 35 },
  { x: 'Bananas', y: 40 },
  // ...

<VictoryPie data={data} />



4. Nivo

Nivo is a powerful, customizable, and feature-rich data visualization library. It supports various chart types and is known for its impressive animations. Below is a simple example of a bar chart

import { ResponsiveBar } from '@nivo/bar';

const data = [
  { country: 'A', population: 10 },
  { country: 'B', population: 20 },
  // ...

<ResponsiveBar data={data} keys={['population']} indexBy="country" />



5. React-Vis

React-Vis is a flexible charting library that provides a range of visualizations. It’s known for its simplicity and ease of use. Here’s a basic example of an XY-Plot

import { XYPlot, XAxis, YAxis, VerticalGridLines, HorizontalGridLines, LineSeries } from 'react-vis';

const data = [
  { x: 1, y: 10 },
  { x: 2, y: 5 },
  // ...

<XYPlot width={300} height={300}>
  <VerticalGridLines />
  <HorizontalGridLines />
  <XAxis />
  <YAxis />
  <LineSeries data={data} />



6. React ApexCharts

ApexCharts is a highly customizable and interactive charting library. It supports various chart types, including line, area, bar, and more. Here’s an example of creating a simple area chart

import ReactApexChart from 'react-apexcharts';

const options = {
  chart: {
    id: 'area-chart',
  xaxis: {
    categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'],

const series = [
    name: 'Series 1',
    data: [30, 40, 35],

<ReactApexChart options={options} series={series} type="area" height={350} />



7. Viser React

Viser React is a data visualization library based on Viser. It’s designed to create complex data visualizations with ease. You can build various types of charts, including hierarchical charts and timeline charts. Here’s a simple example of a bar chart

import { Chart, Geom, Axis, Tooltip, Coord, Label } from 'viser-react';

const data = [
  { year: '2008', sales: 38 },
  { year: '2009', sales: 52 },
  // ...

<Chart forceFit height={400} data={data} scale={{ sales: { min: 0 } }}>
  <Coord type="polar" />
  <Axis name="year" />
  <Axis name="sales" />
  <Tooltip />
  <Geom type="interval" position="year*sales" />



8. React Google Charts

React Google Charts is a wrapper for Google Charts that makes it easy to integrate Google’s interactive charts into your React applications. Here’s an example of a simple pie chart

import { Chart } from 'react-google-charts';

const data = [
  ['Task', 'Hours per Day'],
  ['Work', 11],
  ['Eat', 2],
  // ...

  options={{ title: 'My Daily Activities' }}



9. Smooth UI Charts

Smooth UI Charts is a charting library specifically designed for smooth integration with React applications. It offers a wide variety of chart types. Here’s a basic example of a line chart

import { LineChart, Line, CartesianGrid, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, Legend } from 'smooth-ui-charts';

const data = [
  { name: 'Jan', value: 30 },
  { name: 'Feb', value: 40 },
  // ...

<LineChart width={400} height={300} data={data}>
  <Line type="monotone" dataKey="value" stroke="#8884d8" />
  <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" />
  <XAxis dataKey="name" />
  <YAxis />
  <Tooltip />
  <Legend />



10. React D3 Library

React D3 Library provides a set of reusable React components for creating data visualizations using D3. It allows you to build custom and interactive charts. Here’s a simple example of a scatter plot

import { ScatterPlot } from 'react-d3-library';

const data = [
  { x: 1, y: 10 },
  { x: 2, y: 5 },
  // ...

<ScatterPlot data={data} width={400} height={300} />



Also Read: Top 10 Best JavaScript Gantt Chart Components


In 2023, React will remain a powerhouse for building data-driven web applications, and the right choice of chart library can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your data visualizations. Whether you prefer simplicity, customization, or performance, the top React chart libraries mentioned in this article offer a solution for every need. Choose the one that aligns with your project’s requirements and start creating compelling data visualizations that engage and inform your users.

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